Mertoun Stables House
TD6 0EA St Boswells,Scottish Borders, Scotland
+44 7545869659
+44 7545869659
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Reinanke Fotheringhame
An early influence on me was the Reggio Emilia approach, which put children at the centre; they are in the driving seat of their lives and have extraordinary potential to learn and develop through their relationships and the environment they grow up in. While working in a children’s day centre in the Netherlands, this philosophy and approach inspired me to carefully observe children and encourage their self-expression, creativity, and unique way of playing and being. I needed to hold lightly my acquired knowledge from my social work training and other methods to pay attention to the interests of children and the direction of their natural curiosity and learning. This was the start of unlearning and opening myself to fresh ways of listening to and being with children.
Becoming a mum was a turning point, and our role as parents became more pivotal. I had moved to Scotland, and my work as a Forest School teacher allowed me to observe many interactions between children and adults. My desire to listen more deeply to my own child led me to the Present Child Method and eventually to train as a Present Child Translator. This method has been a win-win, as I could learn more about my child’s communication and myself.
The Present Child Method starts with the simple language of the child’s behaviour and sometimes a health challenge. The translation process gives the parent a pointer or opening to go deeper into the heart of the matter and allows a fresh perspective and direction to enrich their relationship. The child’s message mirrors something for the parent and reveals a blind spot that allows a deeper connection between the child and parent when attended to. I have observed how the parent has been able to unlock or remove some previously hidden obstacle within themselves and the child’s behaviour changes simultaneously. It continues to unfold in my life; being a Present Child Translator and using this method in my life is an invitation to be more present for my child and myself, which is a win-win.

Reinanke Fotheringhame
Mertoun Stables House
TD6 0EA St Boswells,Scottish Borders, Scotland
+44 7545869659
+44 7545869659
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Land en provincie
An early influence on me was the Reggio Emilia approach, which put children at the centre; they are in the driving seat of their lives and have extraordinary potential to learn and develop through their relationships and the environment they grow up in. While working in a children’s day centre in the Netherlands, this philosophy and approach inspired me to carefully observe children and encourage their self-expression, creativity, and unique way of playing and being. I needed to hold lightly my acquired knowledge from my social work training and other methods to pay attention to the interests of children and the direction of their natural curiosity and learning. This was the start of unlearning and opening myself to fresh ways of listening to and being with children.
Becoming a mum was a turning point, and our role as parents became more pivotal. I had moved to Scotland, and my work as a Forest School teacher allowed me to observe many interactions between children and adults. My desire to listen more deeply to my own child led me to the Present Child Method and eventually to train as a Present Child Translator. This method has been a win-win, as I could learn more about my child’s communication and myself.
The Present Child Method starts with the simple language of the child’s behaviour and sometimes a health challenge. The translation process gives the parent a pointer or opening to go deeper into the heart of the matter and allows a fresh perspective and direction to enrich their relationship. The child’s message mirrors something for the parent and reveals a blind spot that allows a deeper connection between the child and parent when attended to. I have observed how the parent has been able to unlock or remove some previously hidden obstacle within themselves and the child’s behaviour changes simultaneously. It continues to unfold in my life; being a Present Child Translator and using this method in my life is an invitation to be more present for my child and myself, which is a win-win.